Why ? God wants to deal with such a good man For what purpose.


Job 1:8 And Jehovah said to Satan,  Have you considered  My servant Job?  For there is none like him on the  earth, a perfect  and upright man,  who  fears God  and turns away from evil.


God’s intention with Job was that  a good man would become a God-man.


In all God’s dealings with Job,  God’s intention was to reduce Job to nothing,  so  that  he  could  be emptied for  some further  seeking after  God and could realize that what he was short of in his human life was God Himself.


In God’s appearing to Job,  His intention was to show  Job that  he  was nothing  and  that  God  is unlimited, unsearchable, and untraceable.


Job 42:5-6I had heard of You  by the  hearing of the  ear, but  now my eye  has seen You; therefore I abhor myself, and I repent in dust and ashes.


God’s intention was not to have a Job in the line of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but a Job in the line of the tree of life .


Eventually,  God’s intention  was to make Job a  man  of God.


Many  Christians  think  that  fallen  man  needs  help  so  that  he  can  be made whole. However, in His economy God’s intention is not to make fallen man whole.  Rather, God’s intention is to tear us down and rebuild us  with  Himself  as  our  life  and  our  nature  that  we  may  be  persons who are absolutely one with Him.and that God desires to mingle Himself with man to be one entity.

許多基督徒以爲,今天墮落的人需要得幫助,好使他們健全。然而,神在祂經綸裏的心意,不是要使墮落的人成爲健全,乃是要把我們拆毀,然後用祂自己重建我們,以祂自己作我們的生命和性情,好叫我們這人完完全全與祂成爲一。並且神渴望將祂自己與人調和,成爲一個實體。(Michelle chiu)