美以琳(Gut Elim)相調中心,每天我在這裡散步,就會看看園區前的招牌,上面寫著『我們在這裡本沒有常存的城…。』 聖徒們,你們在這裡沒有常存的城。我不在乎你認為你的扎根有多深,樹總是會倒下。不管有沒有你的合作,神總是有一班行動的人。

你想想看,你去讀讀聖經,會發現祂是在行動的。我們有一位行動的神!祂會找到和祂一起行動的人。美以琳的存在不是為著自己,美以琳是為著主的行動。事情是這樣的, 2016年Tom弟兄和我在安納翰參加年度的特會,我們想要余潔麟弟兄和我們一起做些事。余弟兄的體力真的已經衰弱許多,也錯過許多聚會。余潔麟弟兄從1970年開始就一直參與主在德國的行動,Pat弟兄知道這事。當難民的局勢開始扭轉,余潔麟弟兄對此很有感覺。數百萬人進到德國來,有說阿拉伯語和波斯語的難民,這是我們許多人當時來到這裡的重要原因。Tom和我有負擔告訴他,不僅僅是難民,我們發現連德國人都有前所未有的敞開。我們還告訴他,這邊有許多親愛的聖徒。在80年代中期的風波之後,許多人受到了極大的影響。仇敵極力抹殺主的見證,幾乎得逞。僅有少數蒙寶貴祝福的留下。我第一次來這裡的時候負擔很重,Tom弟兄也是。Daniel弟兄和我花了幾個月的時間旅行,試著去探訪這些親愛的聖徒。許多人灰心喪氣但還僅存一絲希望。我們能做的僅是擁抱所有親愛的聖徒。我的心如刀割。然而,我們看到了這些有盼望的德國學生和難民,所以我和Tom弟兄將這些情況告訴余潔麟弟兄。他幾乎沒有停頓地說,『德國需要一個地方來容納所有的聖徒,為著這些一直站住立場的親愛年長聖徒,為著這些講波斯語、講阿拉伯語的難民,以及這些屬靈飢渴的學生。整個德國需要一個地方。它不是屬於這個地區還是那個地區,它屬於聖徒們。所以它應該要在德國的中心,每個人都可以容易到達,並可促進相調、交通和聚集。現在先不要考慮訓練中心,將來再說。』


Tom弟兄和我都印象非常深刻。 我的手機響了,是余弟兄打來,『你在哪?』『我在德國。』『我知道你在德國。你在德國哪裡?你在德國哪裡開著車?』『我離開Kassel大約20分鐘的路上。』『Kassel嗎?停下車,靠邊停車,我們需要談談。』我開到第一個出口處,將車停下。他說:『我現在盯著德國地圖。我盯著Kassel,因為它位處德國的中心。『德國的大“G”在地圖上。Kassel是在那個“G”之下。』他說,『找一家網絡好的旅館,然後開始找個地方。』我說:『找什麼樣的房地產?』『你是個作夢的人,只管作夢!去尋找那些待售房屋,待售別墅,待售豪宅,就是對聖徒有吸引力,能來在一起的地方。』 於是我去了一家旅館,上網搜尋。不到一個半小時,Gut Elim這個物件就出現了。我開始看那些照片:有十座建築物,我們可以為聖徒提供過夜的房間,佔地25英畝,可供漫步和禱告,包含一座可走上去的山!我想,這產業將會是兩千萬美金。我看了看價格,遠不及兩千萬,只是一小部分。所以,我立即將這物件寄給余弟兄。他馬上回覆說,『去看看。』我立刻打電話給房地產經紀人。『你好,明天我可以看這個嗎?週一可以看嗎?』就在那個主日,只有我和主,每一步,我的心都加速跳動。第二天,當我看著莊園別墅門上的那個標誌。我領會到『那個標誌是一個記號。』我看過了園內所有的建築。它們的狀況比照片看起來要糟糕得多。(最終,那些建築都有被整理。)我打電話給余弟兄說,『實際狀況比你看到的更不好。』余弟兄回應說,『買它。』我說:『你能再說一遍嗎?』『買吧,別擔心。』 所以第二天,我們告訴房地產經紀人我們要開個價。我以前在房地產工作,沒有人會報出全價。我問經紀人:『你認為我可以要求比定價更少的價格嗎?』『你想用它做什麼?』『嗯,我們是基督徒,我們想保留它為著基督徒和新人聚會。』她沉默了一分鐘,然後說:『我鼓勵你向業主提出任何能讓你滿意的價格。』我知道價格已經是低的了,所以我不覺得該降價更多。我就以稍微低於業主要求的價格提出。她20分鐘後回電話說:『他們接受了你的價格。』哇!所以第二天早上,我在這個莊園上會見了業主。她是一個非常可愛的德國老太太,走了出來,並哭了。她擁抱我。她和我坐在那裡一起禱告。她是一個 83~84 歲的長者。她的父親建造了這個莊園,是一個住在法蘭克福的富有工業家。他晚年時得救,就想為主做些事。於是,他買下了這塊地,建造了這個莊園,為著神的兒女前來並歇息。他們在1900年代開始這莊園的工作。他們都跪下來禱告說:『主啊,這產業是為著你的,為著你的旨意,為著充滿你的子民,直到你再來。』她就是在這樣的環境中長大的。後來,來詢問購買的人當中,第一位是想建一個賭場,第二位是想建一個賽馬場,第三位想建一個度假酒店。每一次,她都無法忘記她父親的禱告。所以後來,他們把這產業從市場上撤了下來。她和她的兒子繼續禱告,後來他們將其重新投放在市場上。不到一週,我就打了這通電話。 聖徒們,主正在德國行動。主與祂的恢復同在。我們願意剛強行事嗎?主是認真地要在歐洲建立祂的見證,為著祂能回來。 這(美以琳)是神給我們的禮物。

Gut Elim. Every day I walk around, I look at this. The sign in front of the Manor House. “For we do not have here a remaining city...” Saints, you don’t have a remaining city here. I don’t care how deep you think your roots are. That tree will fall over, either with your cooperation or without it. God always has a moving people. If you just consider, if you read the Bible, it’s in motion. We have a moving God! And He will find people who will move with Him. Gut Elim is not here for Gut Elim. Gut Elim is here for the Lord’s move. So here’s the story. 2016. Bro Tom and I are at Anaheim for one of the annual feasts. We are inclined to do what we want to do with brother Andrew Yu. His strength has really diminished. Missing many meetings. Andrew has been involved with the Lord’s move in Germany since the 1970s. Brother Pat knows. He had a lot of feeling. He had a lot of feelings when the situation with the refugees opened up. The stories of millions of people coming in. He is a big part of the reason that many of us came here. With the Arabic and Farsi speaking refugees. Tom and I were burdened to tell him that it’s not just the refugees. We are discovering that German people are open like never before. We also told him that there are pockets of dear saints. After the turmoil in mid-80s, many dramatically affected. The enemy did his best to wipe out the Lord’s testimony and he nearly succeeded. A few, a precious blessed few. I got very burdened when I first came here. So did Tom. Brother Daniel and I spent some months traveling, trying to get to know these dear saints. Many were discouraged but somehow hoping. We just needed to embrace all the dear saints. My heart was deeply cut. And yet we see these promising German students and refugees. So Tom and I were sharing this with brother Andrew. He said with almost no pause, “German needs a place for all the saints, for all these dear older saints who have been holding on, for these wonderful Farsi-speaking refugees, Arabic speaking, for these hungry students. All of Germany needs a place. It doesn’t matter if it belongs to this locality or that locality. It belongs to the saints. It should be in the center of Germany where everyone can easily come. And facilitate blending, fellowship and gathering. Don’t think about a training center now. Down the road.” Tom and I were blown away. My handy phone is ringing. And Andrew is calling. “Where are you?” “I’m in Germany.” “I know you’re in Germany. Where are you in Germany? Where are you driving in Germany?” “I’m about 20 minutes from Kassel.” “Kassel? Stop the car. Pull over. We need to talk.” I took the first exit. He said, “I’m staring at the map of Germany. I’m staring at Kassel because Kassel is the center of Germany.” The big “G” of Germany is on the map. Kassel would be under that “G.” He said, “find a hotel with good internet and start finding a place.” I said, “What kind of property?” “You’re a dreamer. Just dream! Look for a house for sale, a villa for sale, a luxury house for sale. Just some place that would be attractive for the saints.” So I went to a hotel and got on the internet. Within less than one half of an hour, Gut Elim came up. I started looking at the pictures—10 buildings. Places where we could provide overnight rooms for the saints, 25 acres to wander and pray. A whole mountain to go up! I thought, this is going to be 20 million. I looked at the price. It was nowhere near 20 million. Just a fraction. So right away, I sent it to Andrew. Right back, he writes. “Go see it.” I called the realtor. “Hi, can I see this tomorrow? Can I see it on Monday?” That Lord’s Day, I had it with just me and the Lord. Every step, heart is pumping. Next day I show up. I look at that sign on the Manor House door. “That sign is a sign.” I looked at all the buildings. They were in much more worse condition than they were looking. Eventually, being taken care of. I called Andrew, “It’s just what you see in less than good condition.” Here was his two-word response, “Buy it.” I said, “Could you repeat that?” “Buy it. Don’t worry.” So the next day, we tell the realtor we want to make an offer. I used to work in real estate. Nobody offers me full price. I asked, “Do you think I could ask for anything less than what he’s asking?” “What do you want to use it for?” “Well, we are Christians, and we want to restore it for Christian gatherings, for new ones.” And she went silent for a minute. Then she said, “I would encourage you to make any offer you are comfortable with.” I knew the price was low. So I did not feel to go way down. I went a little below what he’s asking. She called back in 20 minutes and said, “They took your offer.” Wow. So the next morning, I meet the owners at the property. Here comes out a very sweet elderly German lady, weeping. She hugs me. She and I just sat there and prayed together. She is 83-84 years old. Her father built the property. He was a wealthy industrialist in Frankfurt. He got saved late in his life and he wanted to do something for the Lord. So he bought this property and built a place for God’s people to come and be restored. They began to work on the Manor House in 1900s. They all got on their knees and he prayed this prayer, “Lord, may this property be for You, may be for Your purpose, may be occupied for Your people until You come.” That was the kind of environment she grew up in. Offers—First wanted to build a casino, the second one wanted to build a racetrack, the third one wanted to build a resort hotel. Every time, she could not get her father’s prayer out of her ear. So they took it off the market. She and her son prayed. They put it back on the market. In less than a week, I called. Saints, the Lord is moving in Germany. The Lord is with His recovery. Will we show strength and take action? He is serious about establishing His testimony in Europe so that He can come. This (Gut Elim) is God’s gift to us.