This was my second time to join ICTA, this time is different than last, this time is in the Philippine. I’m so excited about this training. I touched message 8 said we must live the life of the alter and the tent. That’s talking about we must follow God. When God say “you need to go there “, you need to go. So, our lives need to be simple. Not only that, when brother were sharing his experiencing, it makes me thought about mine. I’m just like him, wanted to stay in the college to enjoy the church life and service. But God said “you need to go”. Thanks God speak to me. I want to stay in my college church life. But the Lord is calling me to go to full time training in Taiwan. Price the Lord for His love that wilt not let me go. Because His mercy. I can go to FTTT when I finish my college. We need to say it whenever the Lord goes, we will go. Hallelujah!(高科畢 陳長金)
In this ICTA, I really touched by the point that kingdom is a inward matter, because Jesus the Sower has sown the seed of kingdom into us. Also this kingdom is a real person to us, in LUKE chapter 17 the Pharisees questioned Jesus when the kingdom of God was coming, Jesus answered in verse 21 “For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst to you.’‘ So this kingdom is not a strict regulation whereas it’s a dear person, everyday we can contact Him, have fellowship with Him inwardly, how sweet is this person in us. Eventually if we open to Him absolutely and deal with ourselves thoroughly, Christ can fully lives out of us, bringing His glorious kingdom on this earth.(中山 黃宣綸)
如同這次訓練的題目:「經歷、享受並彰顯基督」,不只在聚會、特會中我們經歷神、享受神,因為這些是比較容易的;也必須是在我們的日常生活中,持續的經歷、不斷地享受,這樣我們才能成為基督團體的彰顯!(高科 許慕城)
很感謝主給我這個機會,參加這次亞洲大專訓練。一方面去到一個不一樣的地方聚會,使用英文進入信息和訓練,以及在聚會中、吃飯時或在寢室與不同國家、不同語言的聖徒有相調。這一切對我來說,是很難得、又充滿挑戰的經歷。也許不是每個部分都完美,但卻能時常被特會信息中的話所摸著,這使經歷、享受及彰顯基督不只是空話,是何等的實際。讚美主祂是可享受的!藉著喫喝主,在生活中享受祂,被話構成,逐漸變化並模成,在日常生活中彰顯基督,是何等榮耀。(高科 劉傳九)
「使我認識基督、並祂復活的大能、以及同祂受苦的交通,模成祂的死。」』(腓三10)信息說到要在主裏經歷復活以前要先經歷死。每一次出國如果都能正常走完,當然會是每一位參與者理想中的情形,不過主似乎都還是會在其中做一點事,例如這次就有颱風、洗澡沒水、聖徒生病。但是在事發後,神藉著每一位在菲律賓服事聖徒的服事者,都盡可能的為每一件出狀況的事情、每一個人充盈豐富的預備了恩典,為要彰顯祂的形像,在地上得著權柄。因為在神聖的經綸裏,有祂想要作的事。經過2024年亞州大專訓練,讓每一位聖徒經歷了死與復活,以及主豐富的製作。(屏科 吳湧活)
Praise the lord ! I enjoyed Rom12:5 “So we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members one of another “
We have to know that God is to know that everything originated from him and that everything proceed from him, we can call God our father because we have been born of him, and now as his children, we can have a life relationship with him. During the summer vacation usually I forget the God and follow my heart to do I interesting things, the brothers said we should spend more time with the Lord, enjoy the Lord day by day, moment by moment, so that we can changed our taste.
From heavy favor to bread of life, praise our God is bread of life. I also touched after the training some sisters have a heavy cold and high fever, the Philippines saints always take care of us, bought medicine for us, caring us, when the body is most uncomfortable, the saints always stay beside us, is really touched and thankful.(屏科 康紜甄)